Life Science.

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Processed foods key to rising obesity

A year-long study of the dietary habits of 9,341 Australians has backed growing evidence that highly processed and refined foods are the leading contributor of rising obesity rates in the Western world.

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Tracing tomatoes’ health benefits to gut microbes

Two weeks of eating a diet heavy in tomatoes increased the diversity of gut microbes and altered gut bacteria toward a more favorable profile in young pigs, researchers found. After observing these results with a short-term intervention, the research team plans to progress to similar

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Lamin C facilitates repair of damaged nuclear envelope in human and mouse cells

Using immunofluorescence and live-cell imaging, researchers were recently able to determine the mechanism underlying the repairing mechanism of the nuclear envelope, which play a key role in various physiologically relevant processes. The accidental rupture of the structure poses a hazard to the integrity of the

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One in 10 older Americans has dementia

In the first nationally representative study of cognitive impairment prevalence in more than 20 years, researchers found almost 10% of older adults have dementia and 22% have mild cognitive impairment.

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Processed foods key to rising obesity.jpg

Processed foods key to rising obesity

A year-long study of the dietary habits of 9,341 Australians has backed growing evidence that highly processed and refined foods are the leading contributor of rising obesity rates in the Western world.

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Tracing tomatoes’ health benefits to gut microbes

Two weeks of eating a diet heavy in tomatoes increased the diversity of gut microbes and altered gut bacteria toward a more favorable profile in young pigs, researchers found. After observing these results with a short-term intervention, the research team plans to progress to similar studies in people.

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Lamin C facilitates repair of damaged nuclear envelope in human and mouse cells

Using immunofluorescence and live-cell imaging, researchers were recently able to determine the mechanism underlying the repairing mechanism of the nuclear envelope, which play a key role in various physiologically relevant processes. The accidental rupture of the structure poses a hazard to the integrity of the mammalian nucleus. The study found that lamin C and related factors synergistically facilitate the repair process in mammalian cells.

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Fossil bird’s skull reconstruction reveals a brain made for smelling and eyes made for daylight

Piecing together the crushed skull of a fossil bird that lived alongside the dinosaurs helped researchers extrapolate what its brain would have looked like: big olfactory bulbs would have meant that this bird, the earliest known animal to eat fruit, had a better sense of smell than most modern birds. And the bones around its eye sockets revealed that it would have been better at seeing by day than at night.

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One in 10 older Americans has dementia

In the first nationally representative study of cognitive impairment prevalence in more than 20 years, researchers found almost 10% of older adults have dementia and 22% have mild cognitive impairment.


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