Life Science.

quitting smoking

Quitting smoking rates increased when intensive telephone counselling was used.

In a nationwide randomised experiment, it was discovered that providing smokers with comprehensive, once-weekly telephone-based cessation counselling in addition to nicotine replacement, increased their likelihood of quitting smoking by more than twofold. This was contrasted with individuals who received simply bare-bones counselling and nicotine replacement.

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Blood Brain Barrier

Blood-brain barrier function and damage are now better understood by scientists.

Although the blood-brain barrier has long been recognised as being crucial for tightly regulating which drugs can enter the nervous system, little is known about how the barrier’s cells impact how the nervous system functions.

On August 19, 2022, a new study with Pejmun Haghighi, PhD, a professor at the Buck Institute as the primary author will appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). The study shows for the first time that signals from the nerve cells that fruit fly barrier cells protect can directly change how those nerve cells act

quitting smoking

Quitting smoking rates increased when intensive telephone counselling was used.

In a nationwide randomised experiment, it was discovered that providing smokers with comprehensive, once-weekly telephone-based cessation counselling in addition to nicotine replacement, increased their likelihood of quitting smoking by more than twofold. This was contrasted with individuals who received simply bare-bones counselling and nicotine replacement.


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